среда, 20. мај 2015.

Recommend Me A...Movie - The Book Thief / Kradljivica knjiga

Danas zelim da vam preporucim film koji sam gledala krajem aprila ''The Book Thief'' ili ''Kradljivica knjiga''.

Today I would like to recommend you a movie which I watched at the end of April,  ''The Book Thief'.

 Snimljen je po istoimenoj knjizi Markusa Zusaka, koju sam malo pre toga procitala. 

Iako sam knjigu kupila pre nekoliko godina, pocela da citam, pa je ostavila, tek sad sam konacno resila da je procitam i moram priznati da je film bio razlog. 
Ipak, nisam se pokajala, sta vise, mnogo mi se svidela. Pisana je neobicno, drugacije od svih knjiga koje sam citala do sad.

It was based on the Markus Zusak book with the same title, which I read shortly before that.
Even though I bought the book some years earlier, started to read and then left it aside, I finally decided to read it because of the movie.
I didn't regret it, though, I liked it a lot. It was written in an unusual style, different from all the books I read by now.

Onda sam konacno odgledala i film i moram da kazem da mi se mnogo svideo.. 
Mada, kao sto to obicno biva kada gledamo film radjen po knjizi koju smo citali, imam par zamerki...
Pored cinjenice da je mnogo stvari izbaceno iz knjige, mnogo stvari ''ublazeno'', nesto sto mi je posebno zasmetalo (ovde mali spolier)..je to sto je narator musko!! To mi se bas nije svidelo, jer sam tokom citanja knjige sve vreme zamisljala neki melanholican zenski glas, nesto kao u filmu ( i knjizi) ''Memoari jedne gejse'', kad ono u filmu, muski i to rekla bih, glas bez emocija... Inace narator u knjizi, na nasem prevodu i jeste zensko, tako da...

Then I fianally saw the movie and I must say I liked it a lot...
Although, as it usually hapens when we watch a movie based on the book, we'd read, there were a couple of things I didn't like.
Appart from the fact that many things have been left out, or ''softened'', a thing that I really minded (a little spoiler here) is the fact that the narator is male!! That I really didn't like because while reading the book I imagined a melancholy female voice, something like in the movie (and the book) ''Memoirs of a Geisha'', while in this movie a male voice and with no emotions, as it appears....By the way, the narator in the book with serbian translation is a female, so...

Elem, to me ipak nije sprecilo da uzivam u filmu koji je uradjen dosta dobro.
Ono sto mi se najvise svidelo je glumacka postava.  Glavni lik devojcice Lizel Meminger tumaci Sofi Nelise (Sophie Nélisse) i mogu da kazem da sam je ja bas tako zamisljala. Mnogo volim kad glumci u filmu odogovaraju utisku o liku koji sam stekla tokom citanja knjige. 
Lizelinu majku, Rozu Huberman odlicno tumaci Emili Votson ( Emily Watson), dok njenog oca, Hansa Hubermana, kog uopste nisam mogla lepo da zamislim tokom citanja knjige tumaci Dzefri Ras ( Geoffrey Rush). U momentu kad sam u trejleru videla glumca koji glumi Lizelinog oca pomislila sam: ''Da to je to, to je on. Savrseno odgovara''. Volim kad mi glumci ''ne pokvare'' utisak o liku.

Anyhow, taht didn't stop me from enjoying the movie which was done really well.
What I liked the most is the choice of actors. The main character, a girl named Liesel Meminger was played by Sophie Nélisse and I can say that it is exactly how I pictured her from the book. I like it a lot when actors in the movie suit the impression about the character I got from reading a book.
Liesel's mother, Rosa Hubermann was played wonderfully by Emily Watson, while her father, Hans Hubermann, which I couldn't picture well from the book was played by Geoffrey Rush. In the moment I saw in the trailer the actor who plays Liesel's father, I though: ''Yes, that's it, it's him. Suits perfectly''.
I like it when actors don't ''ruin'' the impression about a character.

A evo ukratko o radnji filma:

''Podvrgnuta strahotama Drugog svetskog rata u Nemackoj, Lizel pronalazi utehu u kradji knjiga i njihovom deljenju sa drugima. U podrumu njenog doma, njeni usvojeni roditelji skrivaju jednog Jevreja''.  
(ja bih to mozda napisala malo drugacije, ali dobro...)

And here is in short what the movie is about:

''While subjected to the horrors of World War II Germany, young Liesel finds solace by stealing books and sharing them with others. In the basement of her home, a Jewish refugee is being sheltered by her adoptive parents.''

Preuzeto sa/Taken from IMDB

Evo i trejlera:
Here is the trailer:

Izvor/Source - youtube
Jedna stvar koja mi se mnogo svidja je ta sto glumci imaju nemacki naglasak, cineci pricu uverljivijom. :)
One thing I really like is the German accent the actors have, making the story more realistic. :)

A evo i knjige, bila je medju mojim aprilskim favoritima.
And here is the book, it was among my April favourites:

Da li ste citali knjigu ili gledali film? Kakvi su vasi utisci?

Have you read the book or seen the movie? hat are your impressions?

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